Get tested for VDR gene mutation here.
What are VDR gene mutations?
VDR (Vitamin D Receptor) encodes the nuclear hormone receptor for vitamin D3. Low or low normal vitamin D values are often seen in those with chronic illness and even the general population. Low vitamin D is related to a lot of neurological and immunological conditions. Vitamin D stimulates enzymes that create dopamine. VDR Tak and VDR Bsm are usually inverse from each other.
So if there is a positive VDR Tak, there would be a negative VDR Bsm. However, this is not always the case. It has been clinically observed that the body may have trouble tolerating methyl donors with a COMT V158M and a VDR Taq positive status. VDR Taq negative individuals may already have higher levels of dopamine. But the combinations of variations COMT and VDR Taq can lead to a wide range of dopamine levels. Those that are VDR Taq positive and COMT negative may have the lowest dopamine levels.
Note: Some have pointed out that VDR Taq is reported backward. Since the majority of medical journals report a different risk allele or use different notation. These arguments are well-founded. Many claims about VDR and methylation are clinical observations. There are no medical studies to support some of the observations.
When the vitamin D receptor gene is impaired, this can lead to many health problems. Vitamin D hormone is needed to break down into GcMAF which is then needed to attack stealth pathogens, viruses, and cancer cells.
Many chronically ill do not get out of the bed to get sulfated D from the sun. Also, many chronically ill people are low on GcMAF because they are low on D3 which needs to be sulfated and broken down into GcMAF. GcMAF which is one billionth of a gram in the blood is crucial. GcMAF has six attacks on cancer including the cannabinoid pathway.
We also see that many people with viral overloads, autism, cancer, and Lyme are GcMAF deficient. They may even have D levels close to 100 but they are not sulfating their D3 because of the following:
- Eating GMO’d Roundup ready foods. Glyphosate converts into glyoxylate. Oxalates share the same transport system as sulfation. I call it oxalates “hogging” up the transport system. This causes poor sulfation of D3 where it cannot sulfate D3 into GcMAF.
- Zinc is needed to sulfate D3
- DAO is needed to sulfate D3
- Lysine is needed to sulfate D3
- P5P is needed to sulfate D3
- B6 is needed to sulfate D3
VDR problems / Symptoms
Reduced tolerance for methyl donors in some VDR variants such as:
- Methyl B12
- Caffeine
- SAMe (S-Adenosyl methionine)
- MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane)
- DMG (Dimethylglycine)
- TMG (Trimethylglycine) or Betaine
- CoQ10
- Melatonin
- Quercetin
- Carnitine
- Theanine
- Curcumin
- Green powders/smoothies
VDR & Vitamin D deficiency
Vitamin D deficiency signs – Joint pain or stiffness, backache, tooth decay, muscle cramps, and hair loss. Also osteoporosis, rickets, seizures, immune deficiency, and cancer risk.
Liver Detox – Phase 2
- VDR VDR:Bsml
Cannaninoid Pathway
- VDR A48244184C
- VDR C18167A
- C37648G
- C39987A
- C48238068A
- C48239675T
- C48245T
- C48277713T
- 48287373A
- C48296268T
- C59232T
- C65594A
- VDR Fok
- G14442A
- G44689A
- G46489A
- G48244559A
- G48262964A
- G48272743A
- VDR G48273714A
- G48285414A
- G48286015A
- G48287203A
- G48293716T
- G48294131A
- G64978T
- S198S
- T34405C
- T38809C
- T4121
- T416T
- T47866G
- T48255411C
- T48272275C
- VDR T50459C
- T66512C
- T7329C
- VDR VDR:Bsml
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