Autism, MTHFR gene mutations and autism treatments that work

For some people, it can be hard to understand the complexity of Autism or Autism Spectrum disorder. This is because there are so many ways to look at the disorder with it’s many and varied symptoms. Mostly described as a serious developmental disorder that impairs the ability to communicate and interact with others, often with symptoms such as:

  • Difficulty with communication
  • The difficulty with social interactions
  • Obsessive interests with repetitive behaviors
  • Problems associated with the nervous system
  • Learning disability
  • Speech problems
  • Stimming
  • Problems with paying attention
  • Unaware of others, emotions or depression
  • Anxiety
  • Sensitivity to sound, light, or tic
  • Seizures

Despite the complexities, autism is not simply a brain disorder, it also involves genetics and other related neurotransmitters including gut microbiome and when properly treated and treated can transform a person with autism into an indistinguishable “normal” person making life better for them and those who care for them.

We could not be happier with this service, the team at MTHFR gene health really, actually listened to our problems when so many others did not seem to have answers for our Autistic son. His condition is very complex, we are so thankful & grateful to have this type of deep understanding that we needed for our son. Thank you so much!

A. Kratzsch – USA

Is Autism a Genetic Problem?

The short answer to this question is yes and no, this is because genetics is part of the problem but not all of the problem.  For example we know that those that have MTHFR gene mutations such as A1298C are more likely to have problems with biopterin which essentially can alter a person’s neurotransmitters considerably but it doesn’t stop there, often those with Autism have serious problems with detoxification in phase 1 and phase 2 of their liver detoxification pathways along with gut microbiome which really explains how all of this trouble started to begin with when you take a closer look.

Detoxification by a long shot has to be a major consideration when it comes to preventing or repairing the damage that causes autism, this is because we live in one of the most polluted societies ever in history and there are plenty of detoxification gene mutations found in those with autism, especially those that that can interfere with our brains.

Toxicity, Autism and Gene Mutations

There are many ways that we can get toxic and normally we can deal with toxins with our body’s built-in detoxification systems, but those with Autism have usually started their lives with a percentage of a disadvantage when it comes to detoxification.  Poor detoxification then leads to poor development of the brain and increased susceptibility to pollutants, parasites, viruses, heavy metals, nutritional imbalances, and gut/brain bacterial flora biodiversity dysbiosis.

That being said NEVER underestimate the power of tracking down these detoxification problems genetically when it comes to autism, as we have found those that have been trying for many years to treat/manage this disorder often found treatments didn’t even come close to ticking the right boxes that lead to the best possible advantage in terms of reversing/improving the disorder.

Some of the more common genes associated with and that contribute to Autism include:





























Biggest problems with resolving/improving Autism

One of the biggest problems with improving/resolving autism is focusing on the many symptoms/problems that are associated with the disorder.  While MTHFR gene mutations play a major role in the disorder in terms of methylation and how DNA can be damaged leading toward mental health problems, a lot of what is going on that perpetuate the problem has everything to do with resolving the major root cause of autistic disorders which more often than not is rooted in proper detoxification and the realignment of nutritional supporting factors.

Many people suffering from autism have significantly less ability to detoxify properly and while this problem exists their brain chemistry is clearly being influenced, the key, therefore, is to discover the weaknesses and rebuild those defenses thereby removing the unwanted influences which significantly improves the overall outcome.

Think you have done everything you can to resolve autism, think again!  Ask yourself the following when it comes to resolving autism:

What if you’ve been doing the right things but in the wrong order or wrong dose?

What if you have been told there is nothing you can do yet others have overcome or significantly improved the disorder?

Is it really too late to do anything about it?

What if everything you do gets you a negative result?

What would happen if you found those core genetic problems and that helped with your existing efforts/treatments?

Is it time for a new approach to my existing autistic problem?

Autism is a complex problem but you can do something about it, contact us today to get started in the right direction.