MTHFR Symptoms in Women

Oestrogen Dominance (estrogen dominance)

Some women have genes that a prone to estrogen dominance, this hormone which is naturally produced in higher amounts in women can also be problematic when it becomes out of balance.  There are a number of genes that control estrogen balance including MTHFR.  Women who experience estrogen dominance can have many health problems including those discussed above.

Common MTHFR Symptoms in Women

While MTHFR symptoms in women can be any of the MTHFR symptoms on the first MTHFR symptoms tab, it’s important to understand that there are a number of symptoms experienced specifically by women.

Women with MTHFR deficiency can produce very different symptoms that not only affect them as females but also play a serious role in their menstrual cycles, how they detoxify their female organs, how they reproduce, and how their hormones affect their health and mental wellbeing.  There are many disease states that are common in society however MTHFR is most often undiagnosed as the underlying cause for many women.

Women with active MTHFR gene mutations mean a certain % loss of function in methylation, this condition over time means less production of hundreds of complex biochemical processes that the female body needs to maintain good health.

To learn more about methylation imbalances in women click here.

Common problems women face with MTHFR gene mutations

Menstrual cycle imbalances

It’s the sad truth these days that when a woman has a complaint about her mensural cycle it is all too often put into the “It’s normal” too hard basket.  Many of the symptoms associated with a menstrual cycle are in truth a red flag that there is something wrong, in other words, this is not “normal”, it is a symptom/s that something is wrong and needs to be fixed.  MTHFR deficiency is more often than not part of this problem because MTHFR production plays a large role in how the menstrual cycle works.

Toxic uterus

Part of the problem with having active MTHFR gene mutations is of toxicity.  Common problems such as PCOS, fibroids, ovarian cysts, cancer, and many other conditions of the uterus are the result of having a “toxic uterus” when this happens, the environment of the uterus is not clean and often causes menstrual cycle problems along with fertility problems.  Having a toxic uterus is also an unhealthy environment for reproduction which can cause problems for pregnancy and some of that toxicity can get passed onto the fetus potentially causing damage to the fetus’s DNA during pregnancy.


Many women experience infertility and this is not uncommon, while infertility is not exclusively the result of MTHFR gene mutations, having an active MTHFR gene can result in % reduction of a woman’s ability to use her folate, when this happens methylation can’t work properly.  It’s important to understand that infertility usually involves several gene mutations and complications associated with those genes that lead to infertility.  Click here to learn more about fertility.


Many women also experience miscarriage and ever reoccurring miscarriages as a result of having an MTHFR gene mutation.  It is important to understand however that more often than not MTHFR is not always the biggest reason for the miscarriage or multiple miscarriages.  Click here to learn more about miscarriage.

I had infertility for years, then 3 miscarriages over 4 years, I had never been so discouraged after working with so many doctors and getting nowhere until I found MTHFR gene health on the internet.  Within just 1 consultation I learned so much about the problems I was facing and after 6 months of working on my problems with them, I have a healthy baby boy.  I can’t thank you enough.

K. Riesen – USA

Conditions associated to MTHFR gene mutations in women

  • Amenorrhea (absence or short lite menstrual cycles)
  • Menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding and or painful period)
  • Problems with menstrual cycles (in general)
  • Toxicity
  • Infertility
  • Miscarriage or re-occurring miscarriage
  • Estrogen Dominance
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Post natal depression
  • Acne
  • PCOS
  • Ovarian Cysts
  • Fibroids
  • Insomnia
  • Blood clotting
  • Cervical cancer
  • Migraines
  • Weight problems (Obesity)
  • Low or no libido
  • Cervical Dysplasia
  • High blood levels of B12
  • Elevated red cell folate levels
  • Mood swings / Irritability
  • PMT
  • Symptoms of folate deficiency
  • Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency

What are you waiting for? Consult with us Now

Did you have any questions about the symptoms of MTHFR in women?  Contact us here.

This page is not designed to provide medical advice or diagnosis.