Cardio Genetic Test




Cardio Genetic Test (Buccal Swab)

Do you have a cardiovascular genetic problem?

The Cardio genetic test uses genomic testing to identify the risk of genetic susceptibility to cardiac related diseases and conditions. Specifically, the Cardio test evaluates genetic variations, called single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes that modulate blood pressure regulation, lipid balance, nutrient metabolism, inflammation, and oxidative stress.  Genetic testing enables one to minimize the risk by:

  • Identifying hidden gene mutations that may promote chronic disease
  • Preventing disease through early intervention
  • Modifying gene expression through more precise, targeted, individualised interventions
  • Identifying key areas for follow-up testing
  • Monitoring therapeutic effectiveness of intervention

The Cardio Genetic Test (Buccal Swab)

The cardio genetic test is a buccal swab test that can be done right from you home or office.  The test includes:

  • The test kit
  • The test kit full instructions
  • Express post overnight return delivery to laboratory
  • Test results are sent to one of our professional health practitioners within 10-12 business days for evaluation.  Our practitioners contact you with the results and recommendations on any findings via email, mail or phone so you’ll know exactly what you need to do if the results come back positive.

About These Genes

Whether or not you choose to see genes, they are always there and will continue to play an important role in one’s health. With genomic testing, by choosing to look at them, you have the opportunity to influence the ultimate outcome and more actively promote a healthy life.  The genes tested include:

  • AGT (angiotensin)
  • AGTR1 (angiotensin II receptor-1)
  • APOE (Apolipoprotein E)
  • CETP (choletseryl ester transfer protein)
  • CYBA*8
  • Factor 2 (prothrombin)
  • Factor 5 (Leiden)
  • GNB3 (guanine nucleotide-binding protein)
  • GP3a
  • MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase)
  • PAI-1

These important genes contribute to many health problems related to the cardiovascular system and are becoming more prominent with increasing instances of cardio vascular disease in the population who are now experiencing gene mutations as the cause.  Common conditions that result from these gene mutations include the following:

  • Hypercholesteremia
  • Hypertension
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Obesity
  • Thrombosis
  • Stroke
  • Endothelial dysfunction

Have any questions about this test?  Ask one of our qualified health practitioners here.