Gastrointestinal Function (Digestive Stool Analysis Test)



The Gastrointestinal Function (Digestive Stool Analysis Test)



Considered one of the most comprehensive digestive stool analysis on the market today.  The Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis (CDSA) is an advanced non-invasive diagnostic tool for assessing gastrointestinal function. As the CDSA combines a large number of tests that evaluate the function of the gastrointestinal tract, a comprehensive picture of a patients gut health can be obtained.


  • Macroscopic & Microscopic Description
  • Digestive, Absorption and Metabolic markers
  • Inflammation markers
  • Tumour/Ulcer markers
  • Beneficial and other Bacteria
  • Yeasts; Parasites (visual detection)
  • Antibiotics/Natural agents sensitivities (bacteria & yeasts)

Advanced biomarkers that evaluate digestion, absorption, pancreatic function, and inflammation such as Transglutaminase IgA, Eosinophil Protein X, Calprotectin, M2 Pyruvate Kinase (M2-PK) and H.Pylori. The CDSA level 3+ offers a comprehensive look at the overall health of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

It helps identify inflammatory conditions such as IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease), food allergies and post-infectious Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).  This profile also includes sensitivity testing meaning that when colonising bacteria or mycoses/yeasts are detected, they are tested against a panel of natural anti-microbial and prescription anti-fungal agents to assist the practitioner in selecting what treatment will be most effective for the patient. It is recommended to add a DNA Multiplex PCR test to any CDSA level if you suspect parasites.

The Gastrointestinal Function  Analysis Test

The digestive gastrointestinal test is a simple stool test that can be done right from you home or office.  The test evaluates many valuable markers that detect health problems related to the gastrointestinal tract which empowers you to detect many of the most important factors that are responsible for the health of the intestine and good digestion  .  The test includes:

  • The test kit
  • The test kit full instructions
  • Express post overnight return delivery to laboratory
  • Test results are sent to one of our professional health practitioners within 12 -15 business days for evaluation.  Our practitioners contact you with the results and recommendations on any findings via email, mail or phone so you’ll know exactly what you need to do if the results come back positive.

More about the advanced gastrointestinal test

Our clinical CDSA profiles are performed using state of the art technology to assess your GUT health. Unlike other laboratories, we now use multiple diagnostic test methods such as:

  • Direct Microscopic Examination
  • Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) for various stool markers
  • Bacteria Culture with MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry
  • Stool Sensitivity 1: Microbial Antibiotic susceptibility
  • Stool Sensitivity 2: Microbial Natural substances susceptibility

Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and automated chemistry for:

  • Digestive markers
  • Absorption markers
  • Metabolic markers

Have any questions about this test?  Ask one of our qualified health practitioners here.