Miscarriage – is it MTHFR?

Many women have miscarriages and through their journey in trying to understand why and what they can do about it, it’s no surprise that they find out that they may have an MTHFR gene mutation that may be the cause and it’s this question we get a lot.

Depressed woman in bed crying, hugging toy bear, suffering from miscarriage

Here we will help you understand much more about miscarriage causes, MTHFR gene mutations and how they can contribute to miscarriage and other reasons we find are very common problems that can in most cases be resolved/treated naturally to support a successful pregnancy.

Is the MTHFR gene mutation responsible for miscarriage?

The short answer to this question is yes and no.

The first rule to understand is – just because you have an MTHFR gene mutation does not mean that it is the main cause for why you have miscarriage/s. In some causes an active MTHFR gene mutation was not even responsible for the main cause of the miscarriage.

The second rule to understand is – If you do have an MTHFR gene mutation, just how active is the mutation? For example you may only have a mutation that is causing a minor percentage of the problem which is hiding a bigger problem that is more likely to be the real reason for your miscarriage/s.

The third rule to understand is – The MTHFR gene is only 1 part of the folate pathway, many of our problem miscarriage patients did have problematic MTHFR genes but the biggest problem was a combination of MTHFR and other gene mutations that was the biggest cause of miscarriage.

The forth rule to understand is – Having a problematic MTHFR gene mutation has likely caused longer term problems such as core underlying nutritional imbalances and or toxicity problems that can significantly increase the chances of miscarriage.

So while you may have an MTHFR gene mutation there are many other factors that can significantly change your percentage chance of having a successful pregnancy miscarriage free, especially when you know what to look for and how to properly treat each part of the individual’s problems.

2 miscarriage’s in 6 months after many years of trying, after working with MTHFR gene health, now a perfectly healthy pregnancy followed by a perfect healthy little girl who has changed our lives.  Thank you so much!

K. Coulter – USA

Top concerns about miscarrage

Women are worried about if there is something wrong with them that caused the miscarriage.

This is a natural concern and it is our experience that yes there are usually a number of good reasons that the miscarriage has been the result of a number of underlying health/genetic issues with the women but this is not exclusive because the male can also contribute to a miscarriage. It’s for this reason discovering why you miscarry can be enlightening by finding out what you can do about it.

Many women are concerned about if they will be able to get pregnant again after they have miscarried and will they miscarry again.

Naturally this is a major natural concern to have and many women have gone on to have a successful pregnancy the second or third time around but it has just been a game of chance.

Since we know why most miscarriages happen to begin with, it only makes sense to get your genetics and underlying health checked by our practitioners and get a good plan behind you before your next attempt, this strategy:

  • Significantly increases your odds of a successful pregnancy
  • Helps to ensure you are in the best health for the pregnancy
  • The pregnancy itself goes smoothly
  • The birth itself goes to plan as should be expected
  • That your new born has the best chance in life
  • That your experience as a mother is a good experience rather than a bad experience

Is it something they have done to cause the miscarriage?

It is unfortunate that there are so many miss guided ways that cause women to believe that they can try almost anything to get pregnant and or avoid miscarriage, this more often than not leads to nothing more than experimental guessing games. This haphazard approach more often than not can cause more harm and prove less successful than that of properly discovering the most likely root cause of the miscarriage so that a proper strategy can target and support the pregnancy properly.

Worried if its going to be safe for them to get pregnant again after a miscarriage

Again this is a natural concern and it’s important to understand that having a miscarriage is a symptom of a problem, it’s your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. That makes it so much more important to ensure you understand why you miscarried before. By discovering why and treating this problem naturally makes the prospect of getting pregnant again a much safer prospect.

Is there something wrong with their partner?

There are certainly many cases that involved both the man and the woman that contributed to the miscarriage, keeping in mind that you are both sharing your DNA means that the fetus could terminate itself due to it’s own very genetic make up rather than the man or woman being the individual cause. So by ensuring your optimal health you can both pass on the best of your DNA potential thus improving your odds of a successful pregnancy.

Worried about having taken something wrong that caused the miscarriage.

One of the first things most women are told to do when they discover they are pregnant is to take vitamin and mineral supplements. Many being told to take folate, folic acid and or 5-MTHF supplements as a priory.

This advice is while well intended is not a good strategy, here’s why:

Folate, folic acid and 5-MTHF are all only one supplement that are need to work with hundreds of other biological processes, this means that just adding any one of these leaves underlying nutritional imbalances wide open which can lead to miscarriage.

Also for some women taking 5-MTHF can be dangerous.

Also some women should not take folic acid.

Taking vitamin and mineral formulas can actually provide incorrect amounts and or types of some essential elements and or cause your underlying nutritional status to become even more out of balance than when you became pregnant, this means that just adding a vitamin and mineral formula leaves underlying nutritional imbalances wide open which can lead to miscarriage.

Having gene mutations including MTHFR means that you are likely toxic, so by adding in a random vitamin and or mineral supplement may cause you to detoxify which can cause a miscarriage.

Taking random products being promoted for pregnancy does not take into account your specific needs as an individual, this means that you will more often than not cause imbalances in your underlying nutritional status which can cause a miscarriage especially when there are genetic problems involved.

Scared about the dangers, cost and mental anguish of IVF.

One of the biggest problems with IVF is that it doesn’t factor in you and your health at a genetic level, the use of dangerous drugs with terrible side effects and you get to pay a fortune without ever really discovering why your body is rejecting a pregnancy is just leaving you with holding a potential health risk that goes unresolved and this could lead to serious health problems.

6 miscarriage’s in 4 years, we almost gave up until MTHFR gene health showed us why, helped us understand the root cause and with the right treatment, no more upset, no more disappointment, 2 healthy pregnancies and counting. Many thanks, we now have a family!

C. Young – Australia

Solving miscarrage the right way

MTHFR gene health provide one the most advanced natural treatments for miscarriage and infertility in the world. Our success has been in attention to detail, in understanding you and or your partner at a deep level working with your root cause for miscarrage/infertility, helping to build you from the ground up so that miscarriage is much less likely.

  • We will identify any problematic genes that may be holding you back and provide treatment options
  • We will check your underlying nutritional status for imbalances and provide treatment options to rectify any imbalances
  • We will check your underlying toxicity status and assist in detoxification
  • We will check your methylation is optimal for pregnancy
  • We will work with you only or with you and your partner
  • We work on natural solutions for any problems found
  • We can provide optimal natural preconception advice/treatment
  • We can provide optimal natural pregnancy advice
  • We can help prevent and treat post natal depression
  • We can provide post natal advice/treatment

Click here to get a consultation with our miscarriage experts today.